Where I stand on some of the key issues facing Kauai County

Politicians are well known for trying to have “one foot firmly planted on each side of the issue”.   You deserve better.Below is a brief summary of exactly where I stand on some of the most pressing issues facing Kauai County.  As you are aware most are complex topics and the devil is in the details.  I have tried to distill my positions into one or two sentence statements however each probably deserves many pages of detail to do them justice.I encourage you to ask all Council candidates where they stand on these and other issues that are important to you.Positions/Issues - Brief Summary*Support limiting new development (except affordable residential) based on adequacy of infrastructure.  Existing traffic conditions must be improved, sewage systems upgraded and drinking water resources protected before any new major developments are approved.*Support using County borrowing capacity and zoning authority in public/private partnerships to create truly affordable housing for local residents, in alignment with the General Plan and adjacent to existing urban centers to minimize traffic/infrastructure impacts.*Support increased regulation of agrochemical industry including full disclosure, buffer zones and comprehensive testing of soil, water and air as recommended by State/County Joint Fact Finding Group.*Support incentivizing locally owned small farms that produce food grown in a sustainable manner.*Support making traffic relief measures the #1 County roads/transportation priority.  The County cannot just blame the State and must take the lead.*Oppose dairy proposed for Kauai’s south shore as presently proposed.  Due to the excessive amount of animal waste generated, large Commercial Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOS) operating near aquifers, coastlines or residential areas should be carefully regulated.*Oppose a County General Excise Tax (GET) and oppose increasing property taxes for local resident homeowners.Note: Yes I have left out issues that I know are important to you.  I will be covering additional issues/positions in the future such as the County Manager system, cat/dog matters, park planning, expansion and maintenance, youth sports and more.I welcome your feedback on the above issues and on any other that are important to you.Best, gary


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