Creating The Political Revolution: Rocking the House in Hawaii
Today I donated $140 toward the revolution. Will you join me?Like so many others in our community, I support the Bernie Sanders goal of creating a political revolution. We can accomplish such a revolution here in Hawaii this year if we all band together and elect these 7 dynamic progressive and bold leaders to the Hawaii House of Representatives.I am asking my friends, neighbors and family members from across the world to help me make this real today by donating $140 to this CrowdPac fund supporting these 7 individuals all of who I know personally and all of whom I support wholeheartedly. Each will receive directly from you a $20 contribution to their campaign which I am sure is sorely needed during these closing weeks leading up to the all important primary election on August 13th.Please dig a little deep if you can. I sincerely believe that the election of these individuals can change the future of Hawaii politics and government. We need our government back.Information on the 7 candidates and how you can contribute to their election is here: