Left: Gary with his grandkids. Right: Marching on Kauaʻi in support of pesticide/gmo regulation (Bill 2491).


If this is your first visit and we have not yet met or worked together, I invite you to “join with me” in a united effort to make our world a better place.

I am based on the island of Kauaʻi but travel frequently throughout the archipelago and beyond, working with a wide and diverse network of individuals and organizations who share a common focus of putting people and the environment over profits.

Prior to first entering politics at the county level in 1998 and then being elected to the Hawaiʻi State Senate in 2002, my background was in small business. I understand the value of entrepreneurship and the need to build and maintain a strong economic base.

However it has become increasingly clear in recent years that our world is dangerously out of balance and that large corporate interests that put profits above all else combined with a dysfunctional political/government structure are to blame.

Those elected to public office and responsible for protecting the public interest function instead as supporters and enablers or are stuck in an endless gridlock loop perpetuated intentionally by those that profit from the status quo.

Climate change, species depletion and massive environmental degradation of air, land and water is happening now, on our watch right before our eyes. The economic disparity that exists between the top 1% of the population and the bottom 99% is beyond the pale of simply sad and unjust.

My life and work is dedicated toward fighting back and reversing the environmental, social, economic and political degradation that is occurring in Hawaii and across the globe.

I believe we can and we must continue to fight back and take back what is our birthright - a healthy planet and a just world.

We can win but each of us must do our part. Some can do the constant and sometimes brutal heavy lifting, and some because of circumstances can help in smaller but important ways - together with all of us pitching in, we can win.

Hawaii can be a model for the change that is needed globally.

Please join with me today. We have a plan in place that can bring about significant positive change but we need your help - if you can, join with us, and/or email me directly at GaryLHooser@gmail.com

Gary Hooser
“El pueblo unido, jamás será vencido!”

On April 28th, in the city of Basel Switzerland, Gary spoke at the annual shareholders meeting of the transnational corporation and chemical giant, Syngenta.


Gary Hooser is a co-founder and former volunteer board president of the Hawaii Alliance for Progressive Action (H.A.P.A.). He also co-founded the Pono Hawaii Initiative (PHI), is former Vice Chair of the Democratic Party for the State of Hawaii (DPH) and a past member of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

In 2002/2010 he represented Kauaʻi and Niʻihau in the Hawaiʻi State Senate (2002/2010) where he served as Majority Leader. He also previously served for 8 years on the Kauaʻi County Council and was Director of the Office of Environmental Quality Control for the State of Hawaiʻi (2011/2012).

He is a graduate of Radford High School, the University of Hawaiʻi (B.A. Public Administration) and Kauaʻi Community College (A.A.).

Gary moved to Hawaiʻi 1970 and then to Kauaʻi in 1980. Prior to entering politics he owned and operated a residential real estate office as well as a small publishing company. He is married to Claudette, has two children, four grandchildren and a dog named Max (Maximus Aurelius).

More: Gary Hooser's Wikipedia entry.


2018 - Played a leadership role in a statewide collaborative effort that resulted in the passing “first in the nation” pesticide regulations, banning the use of chlorpyrifos and requiring full disclosure of all Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP) applied in the State of Hawaii.


  • 1982-2002

    • Founded and operated with partners Reef Cleaning and Maintenance and H&S Publishing.

    • Founded and operated Waioli Properties Inc.

  • 1992 U.S. SBA – Kaua`i Media Advocate of the Year

  • 1995 Chamber of Commerce – Entrepreneur of the Year

  • 1997 Rotary Club – Business Person of the Year


  • Former Board Member Island School - Chair of the Board Committee that created existing High School

  • Community member - helped save Makaleha Springs

Nonprofit Advocacy

  • Founded the Hawaii Alliance for Progressive Action (H.A.P.A)

  • Founded the Pono Hawaii Initiative (P.H.I.)

Elected Office

  • 2019 - Played a leadership role in a statewide collaborative effort resulting in the defeat of HB1326 (corporate water theft bill). For context, read The Hooser Blog.

  • Was the leading advocate for equality in the Hawaiʻi State Senate during Civil Unions debates.

  • Introduced and passed into law first in the nation requirement that all new single family homes in Hawaii have solar or other highly efficient water heaters.

  • Was the leading advocate in the Hawaiʻi State Senate requesting appropriate environmental review of the Hawaii Superferry which was later required by the Hawaiʻi Supreme Court.

  • Introduced and passed into law Bill 2491 which became Ordinance 960. This was a “first in the nation” County law putting into place buffer zones, pesticide disclosure requirement for users of Restricted Use Pesticides and the disclosure of genetically modified crops. This law was overturned in Federal court but the process and discussion has resulted in significant improvements statewide in the management of pesticide use by the large agrochemical companies in Hawaii. See “An almost complete history of Bill 2491".

  • Introduced and passed into law County lobbying and lobbyist regulation, making Kauai Counties lobbyist disclosure requirements the strongest of any County in the State of Hawaii.

  • Introduced and passed the first state law in Hawaiʻi that made blocking public beach access a criminal offense.

  • Exposed unlawful grading at Pilaʻa Beach resulting in one of the largest pollution fines in Hawaiʻi history.

  • Introduced and passed into law a measure prohibiting the placement of restrictions on legitimate farming in new “gentlemen estate” agricultural subdivisions.

  • Introduced charter amendment creating permanent funding for beach access and open space.

  • Preserved 24/7 public coastal access from Kealia to Donkey Beach.

  • Introduced charter amendment establishing performance audits of county operations.

  • Successfully fought to require air quality testing and reduction in cruise ship emissions at Niumalu.