On changing the world – starting here, now and with you.

Aloha,Most of us at some time or another in our life want to change the world. Some of us hang on to that dream and others drop it quickly by the wayside as if its pursuit was frivolous and to some even embarrassing baggage.At age 60 I still believe that changing the world is possible and am more committed than ever to making that change happen starting here in our home and in our community.As grandiose as it may sound, I truly believe Kauai can set an example for the world. We are a small enough community where the problems and challenges can be managed and solutions found.Whether the goal is food and energy self sufficiency, economic diversification, affordable housing, environmental protection or even climate change – Kauai can be a model and help chart a course that other communities might follow.The strengthening of our local government, community empowerment and the rebuilding of an informed grass roots democracy is the starting point to achieve meaningful and positive change.The elections of tomorrow, Tuesday November 4th represent a turning point. Kauai residents have a genuine opportunity to choose the future they want to see and live, and a future they want to leave for their children.This is where the rubber meets the road.Please show up and be part of the change you want to see in the world.Please show up and vote wisely for those candidates who are willing to stand up for the kind of world you want to live in.I respectfully ask that you consider casting one of your 7 council votes for me, so that I might work for you toward making our community the best that it can be.Kauai is a microcosm of this world and changing the world can and must start here.Imua!Gary Hooser


Doing the Hooser Happy Dance (s), The Maui Miracle and More


Campaign Update – 7 days out and the anonymous and negative “hit mail” has arrived