Campaign Update – 7 days out and the anonymous and negative “hit mail” has arrived

7 days out from November 4th and the anonymous “hit mail” has arrived. My good friend and fellow member of the Kauai County Council Tim Bynum is the target of multiple negative mailers none of which have a return address or other identifiable markings as to who sent them. Sending out anonymous mailers of this type is a violation of state law. Anyone with direct knowledge of who is behind this mailing is encouraged to contact the Campaign Spending Commission immediately at (808) 586-0285.Councilmember Bynum is a good man and neither he nor our community deserves this.He is being targeted because he is not afraid to speak out. He is incredibly thorough and tenacious to a fault when he suspects malfeasance or other public harms are occurring and he is currently focused on doing just that. Councilmember Bynum is being targeted because he is doing his job, has angered certain people in positions of power and is perceived as being politically vulnerable.My daughter texted me last night, “What about you Dad, will they be coming after you next?”It is a sad day when our children feel compelled to ask this question. The answer of course is yes. The more we ask questions, the more we challenge the entrenched power structure, the more we will get attacked by the anonymous actors and their enablers.There are many good things happening within Kauai County but also many inequities that favor those in positions of power and influence, both in business and in government.Councilmember Bynum, myself and others on the Council have been asking the questions that need to be asked. Recently Mayor Carvalho has acknowledged the validity of our concerns, agreed to support a proper investigation and to deal appropriately with the issues that come forth as a result.Please help us fight back against these last minute negative and anonymous attacks.You can find out more about Councilmember Tim Bynum and offer support for his efforts to counter these anonymous attacks here: regards to my own campaign, we are pushing very hard and also scrambling to redouble our media push during these critical last few days. I am frequently asked if additional help is needed and “When is a good time?”The answer: These last few days are unpredictable and additional help now would be most welcome. to all who have already been so very generous and supportive.Imua! ghOn a lighter note – read the below to become educated on voting “Kauai style”. Please circulate to friends who are not aware of the particular dynamics in play with an “all at large” system.The Hooser Blog – On How My Mother Will Vote In The Kauai Election


On changing the world – starting here, now and with you.


How mom votes - On plunking, block voting, and other such Kauai County Council voting strategies