Raising grassroots political consciousness.

It has become increasingly clear in recent years that our world is dangerously out of balance, and that large corporate interests that put profits above all else combined with a dysfunctional political/government structure are to blame.

I invite you to join with me in a united effort to make our world a better place.

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The Hawaii Movement - Catalyzing Change, Empowering Communities – The H.A.P.A. Plan

Aloha,As President of the Board of Directors for the Hawaii Alliance for Progressive Action (H.A.P.A.). I would like to invite you to join our movement for change and to help if you can. http://www.hapahi.orgWe are at a particularly critical point in time and need your help, your support and your active involvement in order to succeed in our mission - we must act now to preserve and leverage recent successes for grass-roots democracy, social justice and long-term sustainability.Monsanto and their industry friends and supporters spent over $10 million on Maui and around our State during the 2014 elections. Through the Maui miracle and the tremendous success of individual citizens on Maui, we learned that grass roots efforts can win over big money. Though the industry has successfully tied up the victories in court at the moment, the people of Kauai, Maui and Hawaii County have all challenged the largest corporate interests in the world at the community level and won.To continue to win - we need to do better in three key areas:1) We need to do a much better job working with mainstream media and educating the broader community on the issues important to us.2) We must be better organized and build stronger statewide coalitions while expanding and educating our own local community networks.3) We must support our friends in the legal environment who can go to battle in the courts on our behalf to defend the laws intended to protect our communities.H.A.P.A. is designed and intended to provide this key support but to be successful we need your help today. We need the help of donors large and small and we need the help of grass-roots organizers and those individuals who represent the valuable “boots on the ground” – on each and every island.By donating today and/or by signing up as a H.A.P.A. member today, you will help move us toward a position of strength as we enter the year 2015 and the opportunities and challenges that it will present.I am a volunteer and our all-volunteer Board of Directors reflects a strong and diverse representation of cultures, occupations and demographics. http://www.hawaiiallianceforprogressiveaction.org/bodH.A.P.A. is a statewide movement conceived on Kaua‘i and born from the experience of the community's effort to assert its values and guide its future.

H.A.P.A.’s mission focus is targeted toward three key principles:

  • Revitalizing and supporting grassroots democracy through action and advocacy ("Taking Back Our Government")
  • Community and environment over corporate agendas ("People over Profits")
  • Local solutions to global challenges ("Think Global, Act Local")

As a statewide, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, our action efforts are focused on:

  • Creating and funding media campaigns to inform our community of important issues – A sample is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-YjANUX2-I
  • Building coalitions in conjunction with like-minded community organizations to strengthen awareness and action
  • Launching grassroots action campaigns to galvanize community engagement
  • Supporting legal efforts to enforce laws that protect people and the environment

Please help today or before December 13 by donating $10, $100 or a $1,000 - or by simply signing up as a member of H.A.P.A. at no cost at all. If you live on Maui, please join us on the evening of December 13 for an informal gathering/reception to meet our Board and to find out more about H.A.P.A., what we stand for and our plans for the future. Email me directly for location details and to RSVP.H.A.P.A. is a public non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to H.A.P.A. are tax-deductible to the extent of the law. Filed in the State of Hawai‘i on March 23, 2014, the articles of incorporation for the Hawai‘i Alliance for Progressive Action (H.A.P.A.) state:Section 3.1 Purposes: The Corporation is organized exclusively for the charitable, literary or educational purposes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or the corresponding provision of any future federal tax code, including for such purposes to promote and facilitate the development of alliances that incorporate research, policy development, education and community engagement toward the purpose of supporting and protecting the rights of people and the planet, all of which shall be accomplished exclusively within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.NOTE: H.A.P.A. is not and will not be involved with lobbying or direct advocacy on any issues pending before the Kauai County Council. In general H.A.P.A. does not lobby. We educate, we support grass roots movement building and we support legal efforts to protect and preserve the health and well-being of people and the environment.Please help if you can. And thank you to all who have already signed up and/or made a contribution.Sincerely,Gary Hooser - Hawaii Alliance for Progressive Action, Board President

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