Kauai Residents: Still more help needed TODAY on SB3095 HD1

Kauai residents should EMAIL Senate President Ron Kouchi at senkouchi@capitol.hawaii.gov TODAY (if at all possible prior to April 12) and request politely and professionally that he support SB3095hd1 without making any further changes to it. Please send a thoughtful and meaningful note sharing your concerns about the issue.While many of us would like to see the buffer zones expanded, any attempts by the Senate to change (either strengthen or weaken) SB3095 HD1 may in essence be a “poison pill” and cause the Bill to die. This measure while weak in this area, remains very strong in other areas, specifically of which is the ban on chlorpyrifos. SB3095 HD1 must be passed “As Is”. Any Senators who desire to make it stronger and/or expand the buffer zones, can do so in 2019 without risking the vital elements that are now contained within the existing Bill SB3095 HD1.

Important notes:1. The House has passed SB3095 HD1 unanimously.2. The only remaining action needed is for the Senate to Agree to the House amendments.3. Attempting further changes to SB3095 HD1, risk killing the entire measure.4. As President of the Senate Kauai Senator Ron Kouchi has tremendous influence.5. Without question, if Senator Kouchi supports the passage of SB3095 HD1, it will pass.The main provisions:1) Mandatory Disclosure: Requires the largest users of Restricted Use Pesticides (RUP’S) to disclose what they are using.2) No Spray Zones Around Schools: 100’ no-spray zones around schools during school hours.3) Ban Chlorpyrifos: A phased in ban on the dangerous neurotoxin insecticide chlorpyrifos.

Update on SB3095hd1 - The truth, the status and the next steps.


KEY POINTS AND FAQ REGARDING SB3095 HD1 (pesticide regulation)