SB3095hd1 and next steps needed to achieve meaningful pesticide regulation.

SB3095hd1 passed the House of Representatives unanimously today during its 3rd and final reading!It is 100% on the Senate now to approve the House recommendations.Read the Bill, check out the votes and testimony - it’s all here: brief, SB3095hd1 deals with the regulation of Restricted Use Pesticides (RUP’s) and contains three primary components:1) Requires the annual disclosure of RUP use by the very largest users.2) Provides for modest “no-spray buffer zones” around schools, during school hours.3) Implements a “phased” ban on the use of chlorpyrifos, a known neurotoxin.  The ban allows for “exemptions” for those operations who need additional time to adapt accordingly.While the provisions are modest from an advocates perspective, I believe the school buffer zones and chlorpyrifos provisions provide tangible protections to the health and environment of our community, and the disclosure element will provide valuable data needed in order for citizens and government agencies to make informed decisions moving forward in the future.This is a clean and straightforward Bill.  I believe the House has actually “threaded the needle" and balanced the needs of the various stakeholders appropriately (given the legislative history).  Yes, I wish it was stronger in various areas but SB3095hd1 represents a meaningful change in public policy and has tangible benefits to health and environmental protection.The next step is to get the Senate to accept the House version “as is” and pass the Bill!How can you help?

  1. Show up if you can (and wear red) on April 9th from 12 until 2pm at the State Capitol in the Rotunda.  There we will rally in support and distribute materials for you to help further distribute to your senator.  PLEASE COME IF YOU CAN.  A STRONG SHOWING IS IMPORTANT.
  2. Email this weekend YOUR SENATOR and request politely and professionally that they support SB3095hd1 without making any further changes to it.
  3. When you email and call YOUR SENATOR and please make sure you let them know that you live in their District. We are not looking for "mass email messages" but rather thoughtful notes from people who live in the Senator's district and who are familiar with and concerned about the issue.

A complete list with complete contact info is here: you!


KEY POINTS AND FAQ REGARDING SB3095 HD1 (pesticide regulation)


Syngenta, Geneva, Kauai and Compunction