Words On Leadership

Hooser long shot on floorWas invited to offer words of "reflection and contemplation" to the Hawaii State Senate this past Friday February 2, 2018. Mahalo to Senator Ihara for granting me this honor, and to Senate President Ron Kouchi and all of my former colleagues, friends and Senate associates for your gracious reception.Paraphrase of my remarks:"We are all leader's and leadership comes in many forms. I encourage all in attendance today to think about the path of servant leadership. Leadership is about serving others. It is not about power, or money or position, but about helping and serving others."

I then read aloud -  "A Leader's Prayer" (no known attribution)Leadership is hard to define.Let us be the ones to define it in justice.Leadership is like a handful of water.Let us be the people to share it with those that thirst.Leadership is not about watching and correcting.Let us remember it is about listening, connecting and acting.Leadership is not about telling people what to do.Leadership is about finding out what people want and then helping them and empowering them to achieve that.Leadership is less about the love of power and more about the power of love.As we continue to move down the path of leadership, let us learn from and follow in the foot steps of those servant-leaders that have gone before us.Let our greatest passion be compassion.Our greatest strength love.Our greatest victory the reward of peace.In leading let us never fail to follow.In loving, let us never fail.

Good source documents for pesticide testimony:


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