2018 Resolutions & detailed 3 part strategy to win
Aloha Friends,As you are aware, 2018 is a year that we can and must win.Our winning strategy requires waging the battle on three critical fronts: Electoral, Legislative, and Legal.A solid win in any one of these areas would have far reaching and positive impacts. A grand-slam, success in all three, would, without exaggeration, revolutionize the future of policy and politics in Hawaii.My goal, and I hope yours as well, is to shoot for the revolution.1) ELECTORALAcross the state, support the election of new progressive, community-based candidates who believe in putting people and the environment ahead of corporate profits. My personal goal is to see at least 5 new members to the Hawaii State House of Representatives and 3 new State Senators elected statewide. I am also hopeful that new more progressive and environmentally friendly Councilmembers will be elected in every County.2) LEGISLATIVESupport the passage of legislation that:
- Raises the minimum wage to $15
- Bans chlorpyrifos, a known neurotoxin and Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP) used statewide
- Establishes increased and dedicated funding for public education
- Caps Pay Day Lending interest rates
- Mandates RUP disclosure and school buffer zones.
- Closes the Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) tax loophole and funds affordable housing
- Ends prison privatization and reforms the current Bail system
- Establishes paid family leave
3) LEGAL*Organize and launch a class action lawsuit against the state of Hawaii for gross negligence in its failure to follow its own laws in protecting health and environment from the impacts of industrial agriculture and chronic exposure to pesticide drift.*Support the HRS §343 appeal against the state of Hawaii and Syngenta for failing to comply with environmental laws governing State conservation lands.*Expand community-based legal efforts to restore and protect stream flows from illegal corporate diversions.Working together in alignment with individuals and organizations throughout our community, these goals are achievable.The formula to win requires people power, and funding.We need 1,000 people now, who will commit to 3 key actions:
- Submitting testimony during the upcoming legislative session
- Actively helping at least one candidate in their 2018 campaign
3) Contributing now, prior to January 1, any amount from $20 to $2,000Funds contributed to the Hawaii Alliance for Progressive Action (HAPA) are tax deductible and contributions made prior to January 1 (unless otherwise requested) will be used to support the LEGAL actions, communications and general administration.http://www.hapahi.org/donate/Funds contributed to the Pono Hawaii Initiative (PHI) are NOT tax deductible and will be used to support the LEGISLATIVE and ELECTORAL actions. https://ponohawaiiinitiative.org/donate/All contributors will be notified via email of specific needs and opportunities to submit testimony and/or help candidates. Or, sign up directly here: https://ponohawaiiinitiative.org/join/We need to start 2018 off with a bang, and then continue building that momentum through success at the legislature, then on to the elections, all the while remaining vigilant in the courts.Please help today if you can, prior to January 1st if at all possible.Remember the formula: Legislative, Electoral and LegalWe will wage our battle with a strategy to win on all three fronts.If you have not already done so, please join us today and be one of the 1,000 who make the pledge to participate, to invest some time and some money if you can - to be part of the solution making positive change happen, in 2018.Imua!Gary Hooserhttp://www.garyhooser.comNote 1: If you have already given, or signed up to help - THANK YOU! Please circulate this email to your networks as more help is needed NOW.Note 2: HAPA is a nonprofit 501c(3) organization of which I am the volunteer Board President. PHI is a nonprofit 501c(4) of which I am the Executive Director and receive a monthly stipend of $1,000. To fully comply with both the letter and spirit of the law, the two organizations have totally separate Boards of Director’s, separate (and minimal) staff, and separate budgets. Contributions to HAPA are tax deductible and contributions to PHI are NOT tax deductible.Note 3: This email is being sent as a private and individual message to my personal email list.Note 4: Happy New Year!