Am thinking of all that I am thankful for.
And this morning, my friend Mary is at the top of that list.
From an email I received a few days ago:
"Well, Gary, please know you always have my (usually unseen) support.
You WILL win eventually and you are moving things forward in the right direction right now.
You are absolutely on the right side of history.
There are some good things about being old (and tired). Us older folks have SEEN the changes.
As an example, when I was a child, girls did not usually become astronauts or senators or even news anchors.
We didn’t have supported sports programs in school, because “girls don’t like sports”.
Remember Title 9? It was only enacted in 1970.
(Too late for those of my generation, who graduated in the 1960’s.)
Now the grandchildren of my generation are ALL participating in all kinds of sports and all career paths regardless of gender. The girls have no concept that there might be limitations placed on them because of gender. That’s wonderful!
Those who put so much effort into Title 9 and the changes that sprang from it really didn’t personally benefit – but their daughters and granddaughters did.
I KNOW that the hard work you are investing in the pesticide issue will pay off.
Your two beautiful grandchildren will live in a healthier world because of you.
If and when you get tired or discouraged…….. well, you know what to do. Hold/cuddle/ play with those two beautiful babies.
OK- end of pep talk! (I’m probably the one who needs it more than you.)