Alan Parachini - is a disgusting man.
It both saddens and angers me to read this morning Alan Parachini’s attack on the character of both myself and former Council Member Tim Bynum who passed from this world only a few days ago. The timing, tone and general message was inappropriate, insulting and void of aloha and sensitivity to the Bynum family and his many friends.Tim was a friend and a good man who did nothing for political gain. His only motivation with regards to all of his work on the Council over the years was to always simply seek justice and do good for the community.Mr. Parachini should be ashamed of himself. When his obituary is ultimately written it will indicate somewhere I am sure that he was an arm-chair quarterback who behind the safety of his computer keyboard attacked, demeaned and diminished the actions of others.Gary HooserNOTE: In response to a comments asking about what exactly Parachini wrote - It is in todays The Garden Island, there is a beautiful tribute article to Tim and then Parachini wrote a separate opinion article in the same paper questioning our motives for proposing and supporting Bill 2491 saying that we only did it for political purposes.It is fine to express different opinions on issues, but questioning motive and intent is the same as questioning character and integrity. Parachini has no clue what is/was in our hearts and minds during the 2491 yet he chooses to paint our intent as selfish and self serving. He insults me, our dear friend Tim Bynum and all who worked hard on this issue for the right reasons - to protect the health and environment of our community.Then he has the further audacity to brag about how the chemical industry and their supporters won because they got elected to the Kauai County Council an employee of Syngenta. Syngenta's Kauai operations are presently under federal investigation. Syngenta uses pesticides on Kauai that are banned in their home country of Switzerland. Syngenta sued Kauai County rather than simply comply with the disclosure and buffer zone requirements of 2491, Syngenta who has polluted more drinking water systems in the world than any other company of its kind - now has one of their own sitting on the Kauai County Council and Alan Parachini thinks this is all something we should celebrate.