3 hours left - There are still thousands of our friends who have not yet voted
The voting will end in approximately 3 hours and our poll watchers are telling us there are still thousands of our friends and neighbors who have not yet voted.These are folks who share our core values but who for whatever reason have not yet made it to the voting booth. They have marched with us, signed our petitions and belong to organizations that put progressive values and environmental protection first.But yet far too many of these friends have not yet showed up to vote.The good news is there is still time but we must act now during these next few hours to locate these friends and encourage/convince them to vote today. If the federal election has turned them off, please remind them the importance of our local elections.Please look into your address book and networks and help search out and find those of our friends who have not yet voted and encourage them to do so. Please help them with transportation if that is needed and do your best to impress upon them the importance of exercising this important responsibility - especially at the local level.This election will be very, very close and a handful of votes will determine the winners.Please join us tonight at the HQ starting at 6:30pm to await the election results. This is “pot luck” and family and friends are welcome! The first returns could be announced as early as 7pm but it is likely to be later with the final election results likely not known until 10pm or so.Thank you for helping me push just a little bit more these last few hours. We have a winning plan and strategy, but need your help now to go this last few feet to the finish.Imua!Gary Hooser