Urgent: At this specific moment in time I need to request your help, one last time.

Aloha Friends,Today will be the final time I ask you to help with a donation to our campaign.While we have largely been on track with our fundraising, today with only two weeks remaining until Election Day of November 8th I need to make one final ask.We need to raise $4,310.41 today in order to order the printing and mailing of our final campaign “Get Out The Vote” (GOTV) post card. This is a critical component of our campaign strategy and we must order and pay for this piece today so that it is mailed on Friday.Please help if you can by going online today and contribute at: https://garyhooser.com/donate-now/If you prefer to mail a check please send to: Friends of Gary Hooser, 5685 Ohelo Road, Kapaa, Hawaii 96746.Receiving funds online today if possible is our urgent priority however checks mailed in the very near future are also welcome and needed to fund this all important final two weeks activity.No contribution is too small and the maximum allowed by law is $2,000 per individual. No corporate donations please.So many have already given so much that it pains me to ask again. However this is a critically important piece of our campaign strategy and we must get it produced and mailed immediately.We have been working very hard and will continue our 24/7 effort all the way through until the polls close on November 8th. There is every reason to believe we can and will win strong but I need to ask today for your extra effort and help to ensure that happens. We are leaving no stone unturned and this final direct mail GOTV piece is key.Mahalo to all who have already been so generous.Sincerely,Gary Hooserhttp://www.garyhooser.comNOTE: We continue to need people to help with phone banking and to help “hold signs”, especially on election day November 8th. If you can help with theres activities and are not on our separate “volunteer email list”, please email me and I will make sure you are informed as to how to help.


Campaign funding status plus 7 day "on the ground" strategy to win


What campaigning 24/7 looks like - 17 days out.