Today Friday Sept. 16th is a key moment/deadline for campaign - please join us
1) PLEASE JOIN US TODAY from 4pm until 6pm to hold signs across from the airport in Lihue. YOUR PRESENCE TODAY IS IMPORTANT to help send a message of strength and solidarity. There will be free signs, bumper stickers, shirts and more!2) TODAY is our DEADLINE TO CLOSE OUT THE MATCHING FUNDS PORTION OF OUR FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN and donations of $100 or less are especially important today.Contributions may be made online here: or to “Friends of Gary Hooser”, 5685 Ohelo Road, Kapaa Hawaii 96746. The maximum contribution allowed by law is $2,000.BOTTOM LINE: THE Campaign is on track to win but we need people/volunteers and we need campaign contributions.Mahalo to the many who have already stepped up to help with contributions or personal time. Less than two months remain - please hang in there with me all the way to a strong win on November 8th!If you have not yet done so, please help by volunteering TODAY here: Online Volunteer for Gary Sign-Up Form for Gary – sign up to help walk door to door.Or perhaps host a small “talk story with the Candidate coffee-hour” please let us know.Or put a yard sign in your yard or a bumper sticker on your car!In case the message is not absolutely clear - We can win and will win and win strong but for the next 55 days we need everyone to chip in, in whatever way they can.Your help is especially important TODAY :)Sincerely Yours,Gary Hooser