Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated...*

Aloha Friends,Am hoping the Mark Twain quote brought a smile to your face ;-)Please know that I am alive and well, and fully engaged in our ongoing campaign for re-election to the Kaua’i County Council.  Our campaign is committed to winning on November 8th and I am committed to being an even stronger voice for you on the council.  I will continue to challenge the status quo (and win) in support of protecting our environment, preserving our quality of life and restoring faith and confidence in our government.I was surprised and disappointed more Kaua’i residents who share our values, goals and vision for Kauai’s future did not show up to vote on August 13th.  The 34% voter turnout was abysmal and we have to work together to change that.To restate the results, I finished #9 out of 13 candidates in the August 13th Primary.  To win re-election in the General Election on November 8th, I must finish in the top 7.  This is absolutely doable, but requires a redoubling of effort.  We must make sure those who share our values and vision for the future show up and vote on November 8th. There are several key areas upon which our winning strategy is based:#1:  Most importantly, our supporters need to be informed as to the urgency of this Council election, so that they show up and vote in November.Voters need to know that amendments to the Kaua’i General Plan which will guide development on Kaua’i for decades to come will be reviewed and voted on by the council that is elected November 8th.Voters need to informed and reminded that if they want strong voices on the council who are willing to ask the questions and make the tough choices needed to protect our environment, preserve our quality of life and restore faith and confidence in our government - they need to show up and vote on November 8th.#2: We need to organize our community. Those actively opposed to my reelection (the agrochemical industry and large landowner/developers) have shown in the Primary that they are organized. They are running a slate of candidates called the “super six” and they all finished in the top 6 slots during the Primary.If all six were to win in November, the strong voices now on the council in support of the environment, controlled development and open government would be greatly diminished.  That is why we have to work extra hard to promote not only my candidacy, but those of other Council candidates who support a vision that puts the protection of people and the environment first.  Ask the tough questions, examine the past actions and accomplishments of each and every candidate and then limit your valuable votes to only those candidates who you truly believe will represent you and your values.To win in November we need to expand and motivate our amazing, diverse and island-wide base of support.#3: We must share our vision of the future. We need to contrast our values clearly against those candidates who; while they say they are “for the people” have shown that they inevitably make decisions that put development and profit ahead of people and the environment.We can win this and win strong, but only if people understand clearly what is at stake and are motivated to act. There is so much on the line for Kaua’i in this election.That is why I am asking you to please help today if you can!1) We need volunteers to help with sign holding and many other activities.  Please email so I can add you to our volunteer list!2) Campaign contributions are needed prior to September 1 to restock campaign supplies and increase a range of efforts to get our message out. Can you organize a “meet and greet house party or coffee hour” with 10 friends and neighbors?  This can be a simple hour-long gathering that provides your neighbors/friends an opportunity to share directly with me their individual concerns and priorities. Email gary@garyhooser.com4) Would you be willing to offer a short (two or three sentences max) personal statement of support that I can publish in our public materials? Email gary@garyhooser.comIt goes without saying that it is an honor and a privilege to serve you on the Kauai County Council.  If you like the work I am doing on your behalf and would like me to continue in this service, I must have your active help and support in order to win on November 8th.  Please choose one of the ways above to join with “Team Hooser” and help create this win together!Sincerely,Gary HooserNote: We all know that there are many issues facing our community that need to be addressed. I have put forth my thoughts and positions on some of these key issues here:*The Mark Twain quote is from the text of a cable sent by Twain from London to the press in the United States after his obituary had been mistakenly published (The American Heritage New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition)


Hooser Campaign Reboot - Next Steps


Asking for help is hard. Todays vote is more important than you realize. Please, please, please - take the time to show up and vote.