Short Note - 3 time sensitive items & 2 deadlines are today

Aloha Friends,Just a quick short note on 3 time sensitive items: 1)  “Friends of Gary Hooser” reelection: We are determined to win and finish at or near the top.  No more finishing #7 and winning by only 82 votes.Early voting in the 2016 primary election starts in approximately 90 days.   There is a key matching funds deadline.Please donate today if you can, especially before May 15 at are voluntarily capping our campaign spending and seeking smaller contributions of $100 or less that will then be matched by the State.  To qualify we need to raise approximately $7,000 in individual contributions of $100 or less and do so by May 15 in order to utilize funds effectively for the upcoming primary.  Can you help?Individual contributions from Hawaii residents of $10, $25, $50 or $100 will be matched 1:1 by the State of Hawaii. Spouses may each contribute up to $100 but must be on separate checks. Business checks will not be matched. Contributors may still contribute larger amounts (and yes they are needed), but those donations will not be matched and the overall spending of the campaign will remain capped. Your help today especially before May 15 with donations made online at is much needed and greatly, greatly appreciated.If you prefer, checks made to Friends of Gary Hooser may be mailed to 5685 Ohelo Road, Kapaa HI  96746.2) We mailed 21,000 “Important Kauai Issue Surveys” to every registered voting household on Kauai.  Tomorrow May 10th is the deadline to return them in the provided envelope.  Our return rate now is tracking at about 7% and our goal is to achieve a rate of 10%!  Please, please, please - Kauai residents please complete and return your survey asap.  It is important that as many voices as possible be represented in the final tally of responses.  Sorry but all surveys have been disbursed and it is too late to send new copies if for some reason yours was misplaced or did not arrive.3)  Tonight and this coming week:  Sponsored by Friends of Maha’ulepu - Learn about corporate outsiders, their plans for Kaua‘i and the risks they may pose to our water, ‘aina and way of life.  Hear Paul Cienfuegos, nationally renowned ‘Community Rights’ educator and organizer, who has successfully helped communities from California to Iowa. He will share information on what we can do now to protect our precious Kaua‘i from harmful industrial operations. You are invited to attend an island wide community meeting with Q&A:At 6pm on each evening - Monday May 9 at the Kapaa Library,  Tuesday May 10, 6pm at the Kilauea Cafeteria, Wednesday May 11th Kalaheo Neighborhood Center, Thursday May 12 Koloa Neighborhood Center and May 16 Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School Cafeteria. For more info contact http://www.friendsofmahaulepu.orgClosing note: If you have not already watched it - My remarks delivered to 900 Syngenta shareholders during their annual international shareholders meeting (4 minutes)


How on May 17th, 1980 I was smitten


The Movement - Winning In Solidarity