Please join me Tuesday March 1!

Please join me if you can Tuesday March 1 for our 2016 Kauai County Council Re-Election Campaign Kick-Off and Fun-Raiser!Your presence if possible is important and your support of course is critical.I am committed to continuing to work for you as a member of the Kauai County Council, but to do so I need your help.Tuesday, March 1st, 6pm until 8pm at the Kauai War Memorial Convention Hall in LihueThere will be ono food, great music and even greater fellowship and conversation.Come early, bring family and friends - the event starts at 6pm with the program starting at 7pm.  Suggested $20 donation (welcome but not required), Kupuna and Keiki Free!Please also help spread the word! Donations may be made at are welcome!  Come and join together with many others who share a common goal of making our community and our world, a better place.Sincerely, gary


Answer to Kapaa traffic mess is not to raise taxes but to get the State to do its job


How Unusual -Kauai Business Interests Seek To Weaken Kauai County Lobbyist Bill