Wondering what to get me for Christmas? ;)

It is that time of year and if you are spending your nights tossing and turning wondering what to get me for Christmas, here is a hint ;)Join HAPA and offer whatever donation you are able to - anything really.From $20 to $200 or more, anything you are able to give would positively make my day, close out a fabulous year of progress and get us ready for an even better year to come.2016 will be a great year of that I am absolutely sure, but to truly excel on all of the many actions that are planned and to make positive change happen, the Hawai’i Alliance for Progressive Action (HAPA) needs your help today.Simply joining the HAPA community will help as there is strength in numbers and every new person joining is important.  If your situation allows, please also make a contribution - any help you can offer today is greatly appreciated.Click here to join and donate:  http://www.hapahi.org/take-action/Your tax-deductible contribution will help fund grassroots initiatives and activism across Hawai`i!The Hawaiʻi Alliance for Progressive Action (HAPA) is a public non-profit under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. HAPA was incorporated on March 31, 2014 in the State of Hawaiʻi.Then please, please, please - forward this email to your list of friends and encourage them to also join!As the President of the Board of Directors for HAPA, your joining and contributing to the great work HAPA is doing around the State would be awesomely appreciated.  Please check out two powerful initiatives we are launching in January!The Kuleana Academy - A Leadership Development and Non-partisan Candidate Training Program for Hawai’i (program begins January 9, 2016)http://www.hapahi.org/kuleana-academy/International Food Justice Summit in Hawai`i - A panel of four experts/advocates from around the world and Hawai`i will travel across the islands to weave together a story of how our local struggles connect with one another, share inspiring stories of grassroots victories from around the earth, and explore how the world movement can grow (together) toward transforming the food system.http://www.hapahi.org/food-justice-summit/Venue locations and times announced soon.  Open to the public!January 15, 2016 - Hawai`i Island (Hilo) -January 16, 2016 - Maui (Kahului) -January 17, 2016 - Kaua`i (Lihue) -January 18, 2016 - O`ahu (Honolulu) -HOLD THE DATES!!DO NOT MISS THIS! December 16th, 6:30pm at the Honolulu Theatre for YouthA special evening event with Dr. Sandra Steingraber! Heralded as "the new Rachel Carson," Dr. Steingraber is an acclaimed ecologist, cancer survivor and mother whose stories will inspire you to believe change is possible in the age of environmental crisis. Sponsored by Hawai'i Center for Food Safety - free tickets available at http://bit.ly/ForOurKeikiTixJanuary 18 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ParadeThe parade starts at Ala Moana Park and passes through Waikiki and ends at Kapiolani Park. Tmes/details forthcoming.  Please set time aside to join us this day and march with HAPA to honor Dr. King!January 20th - Opening Day at the CapitolOur goal is to converge on the Capitol in partnership with all who strive to make Hawaii a place where people and the environment are valued ahead of profits.  We need to send a strong message of unity and determination to the Hawaii State Legislature.  Make a sign with YOUR MESSAGE and join us!In case you have not had the chance to view them, here are two videos that demonstrate some of the work I have been doing.View: My remarks delivered to 900 Syngenta shareholders in Basel Switzerland during their annual international shareholders meeting (4 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0zz7cV_Qe8View: "The Little Island That Could" - my remarks on Kauai describing the Bill 2491 saga https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHYwsu3WefsAnd just in case the above donate button does not work, here is another!  http://www.hapahi.org/donate/


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