Barking Dogs, Open Space Funding and Humane Society - Council Meeting - 08/05/15
The below items are on the Kauai County Council agenda Wednesday August 5.I encourage Kauai residents to let all Councilmembers know how you feel about these issues - Email counciltestimony@kauai.govNOTE: Separate email testimony for each issue is highly recommended1) Bill 2590 - Repealing the Barking Dog OrdinanceThis Bill was introduced by Councilmember Kagawa. I am strongly opposed to this measure and intend to vote NO. The barking dog ordinance is working, is much needed and can be amended if needed rather than repealed.2) Resolution 2015-53 RESOLUTION PROPOSING A CHARTER AMENDMENT RELATING TO THE PUBLIC ACCESS, OPEN SPACE, NATURAL RESOURCES PRESERVATION FUND - At present the amount dedicated is at one-half of one percent and the proposal is to increase it to one and one-half percent (1.5%)I introduced this Resolution and so am in strong support. The Council recently cut the funds to this important fund and this charter amendment will establish it at 1.5% and ensure that there is a firm and long term commitment to preserving and expanding open space, beach access, agricultural lands and other natural areas. This measure does not raise any taxes but only directs that a set amount of funding goes toward a specific purpose.3) Resolution 2015-55 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A PERFORMANCE AUDIT OF THE KAUA’I HUMANE SOCIETY, PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 3.12(B) AND 32.02(A)(2), KAUA’I COUNTY CHARTERThis Bill was introduced by Councilmember Rapozo and is in response to the controversy that has surrounded the Kauai Humane Society these past few months. The County of Kauai is a major funder of this organization and so it is reasonable that the County should look closely at their operations. Others would argue though that the money spent on an audit which could cost $150,000 might be better spent on expanding the spay and neuter program or other important needs. I am inclined to support the audit but open to hearing the public testimony and further review before making my final decision.The Garden Island Newspaper reports on the issue here: SEND IN YOUR TESTIMONY TODAY TO, and before Wednesday August 5.Coming soon: Resolution 2015-52 RESOLUTION PROPOSING A CHARTER AMENDMENT RELATING TO TERM LIMITS FOR COUNCILMEMBERSCouncilmember Kagawa is proposing to put on the 2016 Ballot a proposal to repeal term limits for councilmembers which are presently set at 8 years (4 two year terms). I am strongly opposed to this proposal and encourage everyone to also share their perspective with all members of the Kauai County Council. The Garden Island Newspaper reports on this issue here: Separate email testimony for each issue is highly recommendedDetails of each measure can be found below:RESOLUTION PROPOSING A CHARTER AMENDMENT RELATING TO THE PUBLIC ACCESS, OPEN SPACE, NATURAL RESOURCES PRESERVATION FUND AUTHORIZING A PERFORMANCE AUDIT OF THE KAUA’I HUMANE SOCIETY, PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 3.12(B) AND 32.02(A)(2), KAUA’I COUNTY CHARTER BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 22, KAUA’I COUNTY CODE 1987, AS AMENDED, BY REPEALING ARTICLE 25, RELATING TO BARKING DOGS