Into the Belly of the Beast: Bringing Kauai's Story to Syngenta World Headquarters Annual Shareholders Meeting April 28th.

Yes, myself and two other Kauai residents are heading this coming week to share our Kauai story with the people and government of Switzerland, home to the world headquarters of Syngenta.   See Press Release here:, you will remember, is the primary plaintiff presently suing the people and County of Kauai for the right to spray poisons next to our schools, hospitals and homes.We are attending an international conference in Basel, Switzerland sponsored by organizations who share our concern with regards to the environmental and health harm caused from the actions of large transnational chemical companies.Our hosts in Switzerland have also arranged for me to attend and speak briefly inside the actual Syngenta shareholders meeting.  I will have only a few minutes on the microphone and intend to tell Kauai's story and ask the Board and shareholders of Syngenta to withdraw from their lawsuit against Kauai County, honor the laws passed by our community, and provide Kauai County with the same respect and protections afforded to the people of Switzerland.Syngenta is a Swiss corporation and many of the restricted use pesticides they apply regularly on Kauai are banned in Switzerland.  Atrazine, paraquat and 4 other highly toxic pesticides that Syngenta uses on Kauai are forbidden from use in their own country.Please help me carry a strong message to Syngenta from Kauai, from all Hawaii and from all over the world by signing this petition ( and sharing it with your friends and contacts.  I intend to present this petition and copies of all signatures, along with my formal statement directly to the Syngenta Board of Directors and shareholders.Syngenta must know and understand that our movement and our commitment to protect the health and environment of our community is not going away, but rather only grows stronger every day.Please sign and share this Petition!


From Kauai to Switzerland – Why we went, what we accomplished and what’s next.


State House Agricultural Committee - Disappointment Is Too Mild A Description