Candidates and Character vs Cads And Cowardice

I am so proud of my son Dylan Hooser who closed out his campaign last night with grace and dignity before a gathering of friends and family in Lihue. Dylan ran a first class, hard hitting issues based campaign and worked harder than any candidate in town. He, along with all of the first time candidates deserve our communities thanks and recognition for being willing to "put it out there" and run for public office.While there is never a shortage of arm-chair quarterbacks quick to criticize all of us who serve and all who venture to run for public office, there are very few in our community willing to put their life under a public microscope, do the heavy work necessary to run a real campaign and risk the chance of a public loss.To my son Dylan and to all of those individuals who worked so very hard and who are willing to step into the light of public scrutiny and declare themselves as candidates for leadership in our community - I say thank you.Imua!dylanshark_n


I am determined to win, they are determined to beat me.


Industrial food complex hastening climate change