2014 Kauai Council Elections – My Reelection Bid
Serving the people of Kauai as a member of the Kauai County Council is an honor and a privilege for which I am grateful. Yes, I would like to be reelected and will be campaigning hard to make that happen. However to be clear, this election promises to be one of the most challenging ever and I need all the help I can get to be successful.
If you are pleased with the service I have provided to you and to Kauai County, I ask for your help once again to continue the work.
You know I do my homework and that I am not afraid to take on the tough issues. You also know I have little patience for government incompetence or the wasting of public money and resources. And I hope you know, that my door is always open and if I can help, I will.
Today, in the spirit of grassroots democracy I am seeking campaign contributions of $100 or less. If I am able to raise at least $3,000 in small contributions prior to the end of the day on Monday, June 30th, I will then be able to have this amount matched by public funds in time to impact the Primary election on August 9.
If you can be one of 30 people to help with a contribution today of $100 that would be immensely helpful. Any contribution no matter how small is welcome and needed. Online contributions are the easiest and can be made at http://www.garyhooser.com/donate.php or checks can be mailed to Friends of Gary Hooser, 5685 Ohelo Road, Kapaa Hawaii 96746.
Because of the nature of this email, I apologize if you receive duplicates. Also, if you have already given, please know that your help is appreciated and much needed.
As always if you have questions on issues, would like to better understand my rationale on any particular vote, or share with me your perspective on any issue – please just call.
Sincerely, gh