Dylan Hooser Enters Race For State House Seat

In case you have not heard, my son Dylan has entered the race for election to the Hawaii State House District 15 (Wailua Homesteads, Hanamaulu, Lihue, Puhi and Omao).Needless to say, I am proud of my son and of his willingness to take this step. Putting your name and your life out in public view as a candidate for public office is a huge commitment.When asked recently how he would differentiate himself from me - Dylan responded simply, “There is no way around it, I am my fathers’ son”. He went on to expound on how he was his own person, but was clear and upfront that the core values held by his father were his core values as well.Dylan was born and raised on Kauai, and grew up in a family that eats and dreams grassroots democratic values. It is only natural that he shares those values and is drawn toward working and fighting to protect them.Yes, he is his fathers’ son but he is also very much his own man. As a small child Dylan was hyper-independent. While a thoughtful and caring child, he always had a “question authority” attitude and a tendency to push back against the people and institutions who attempted to restrain his independent spirit.As a young adult he has become increasingly aware of the growing injustice in the world and of his personal responsibility to push back against that injustice and to help shape a more positive future for his yet to be born children.Dylan is running against an incumbent whose core values differ significantly.Dylan has always been a Democrat – the incumbent was an active member of the Republican Party and switched to be a Democrat in order to be appointed to his present position.Dylan supports equality for all - the incumbent voted No against marriage equality.Dylan supports protecting the environment – the incumbent voted Yes and was the chief spokesperson in the State House of Representatives in support of the failed Public Land Development Corporation (PLDC).Dylan is a strong supporter of the rights of local government – the incumbent sponsored a Bill to preempt and take away the rights of local government to protect its residents.Dylan supports living wage legislation – the incumbent supports weakening the minimum wage proposal by increasing tip credits and opposing CPI indexing.Dylan supports labeling of GMO foods – the incumbent has fought hard against allowing consumers the right to choose.Dylan can win but your help is needed. Please visit http://www.dylanhooser.org and make a donation today to the Friends of Dylan Hooser. Contributions of any amount, from $25 to the maximum allowable $2,000 are welcome and much needed – and can be made here: http://dylanhooser.org/donate/. Or mailed to: Friends of Dylan Hooser, P.O. 1007, Lihue HI 96766The incumbent is starting this race with a large monetary advantage and Dylan could really use your help now in order to catch up and kick the campaign into high gear immediately.Mahalo in advance for any help and support you can offer.Gary Hooser


Kauai, the chemical companies, and the little island that could


Reading SB2777 - Another attempt to preempt and weaken local authority