A Million Little Fists - January 16, 9:30am Hawaii State Capitol
Facebook message conversation with a friend a few months ago:10:18amFriendI am pissed with the current state of our government.11:59amGary HooserThen...what you gonna do about it?1:53pmFriendWave my little fist.5:11pmGary Hooser:-)7:13amGary HooserA million little fists waving in unison can have a huge impact. Keep it waving. When you get tired of waving, pound it against governments door. Pound it in the face of corporate greed and abuse. A million fists pounding on governments door and in the face of corporate greed and abuse can perhaps change the world.***Please friend, join with me in waving our little fists together and sending a message that is loud and clear on January 16 at 9:30am at the State Capitol. It is opening day of the Hawaii State Legislature and the most important day of the year to send a message to all lawmakers.Please, show up.Show up to send a message that it is not ok to pass laws that take away the publics right to participate in the process.Show up to send a message that the PLDC must be repealed, that environmental and public interest laws must be embraced, not circumvented.Show up to support the labeling of GMO products and to show that this movement is real and is not going away.Show up for Hawaii and for Hawaiians.Bring the keiki and kupuna too. Call in sick. Skip class. Hitch-hike, car pool, ride the bus, scrape together the airfare if you are able but please show physically, if at all possible. Neighbor-islanders who are unable to fly over, please call and email your lawmakers in support at the same time. Email Senators at sens@capitol.hawaii.gov and Representatives at reps@capitol.hawaii.govNo excuses please. We are all busy. We all have other jobs and other responsibilities.This is important.Imua!*For those that enjoy a nice morning stroll and do not want to hassle with parking. There will also be a contingent marching from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, departing UH at 8:30am and walking down Beretania Street.More info is here: http://www.facebook.com/events/140220422800531/?suggestsessionid=13679335591357501966