On Obama's Speech in Kansas - " I really want to believe that he loves me, but he is losing me"

As written by my good friend Shannon Rudolph and posted on my FB page December 6 in response to the speech given by President Obama in Kansas. Shannon's words echo those of many in the progressive community. They want to believe, but feel like Lucy has pulled the football away from Charlie Brown just one too many times....From Shannon Rudolf : "I just watched part of the speech again, and SO wished the words coming out of his mouth were true. An old song by the Bellamy Bros. came to mind; "I'm a doctor, I'm a lawyer, I'm a movie star - I'm an astronaut and I own this bar, I'd lie to you for your love - and that's the truth." I wonder if the republican freak show debates are a set up because "they" already have who they want. The people surrounding him; the bankers, the nuclear industry, (who are starting up the 1st U.S. nuclear reactors in 34 years) GMO's, etc. - is making me think of not voting for the first time in my life. The article asks: ""What can a president do today?" I'll tell you, its VERY simple - do your damn job; its called democracy. Ask America what it wants AND DO IT. I want Obama to get mad and let the signing statements rip - use every bit of power at his disposal and create more, like Cheney did! Hell, I want to see him lead a million people march on congress in his own popemobile!!! If he can't start showing some real fight, I think he should take some time off and let Michelle kick some ass. I really want to believe that he loves me, but he's losing me. His speech today shows me he's at least paying attention and is a little scared that he is losing the OWS demographic. Keep the pressure on; former mayor of Salt Lake City and former Utah ACLU president, Rocky Anderson, (running on the 3rd party "Justice Party") is lookin' pretty good. :)


On Christmas Shopping, The Homeless And Tough Love


Campaign - turn of events