Raising grassroots political consciousness.
It has become increasingly clear in recent years that our world is dangerously out of balance, and that large corporate interests that put profits above all else combined with a dysfunctional political/government structure are to blame.
I invite you to join with me in a united effort to make our world a better place.
Humongous 2018 Election Opportunity
The 2018 election season is here.Across the state, many strong, values based, credible and highly electable new progressive candidates have already began their campaigns,pounding the streets knocking on doors, putting up signs and speaking with voters.As you know, the election of even just a handful of solid, high integrity, bold progressive leaders to the State House, Senate or city/county councils would be a game changer. Small numbers matter.Working in alignment with like-minded individuals and organizations on every island the Pono Hawaii Initiative (PHI) is fully committed to making 2018 a revolutionary year in Hawaii politics. As the Executive Director for PHI, I am asking today for your advice, your input and if possible your active help and financial support.Please tell me which new progressive candidate you would like most to see elected in 2018, and why. If you don't know, that is ok.Please tell me what is the single most important issue you think a candidate should focus on, and what personal attribute or characteristic you most want to see in a candidate and elected leader.Remember however the words of Cicero when you formulate your response: “Brevity is a great charm of elequence.” ;)Please also sign up to help with our PHI grass-roots “on the ground” candidate support system: https://ponohawaiiinitiative.org/join/Financial support is needed as well. While exact strategies and the degree of support offered to each endorsed candidate will vary, the cost of a single mailing can cost from $3,000 to $5,000 each. In addition, we have basic administrative infrastructure which though minimal, still must be funded. As the Executive Director, I now draw a modest monthly stipend of $1,000 and we have a very part-time staff support person who works approximately 10 hours per week. While my time dedicated to making positive change happen in Hawaii is of course, 24/7, my stipend will remain capped for the foreseeable future. Our plans however do include a gradual increase in supporting administrative staff time, including if possible eventually part-time representation on every island.Whether it’s $27, $270, $2,700 or more, your help is really, really needed, especially at this particular point in time as we launch our political action support of the many worthy candidates. Contributions may be made online or by mail at: https://ponohawaiiinitiative.org/donate/Contributions made prior to March 10th are especially helpful and allow us to launch support immediately for our endorsed candidates who will be announced in mid March.2018 is the year to begin charting a new course for Hawaiʻi, a course that puts people and the environment above corporate and political greed and obstinacy.Please join us and help if you can. Your time, experience, energy and yes your financial support as well are greatly needed, especially at this particular point in time.Sincerely,Gary Hooser http://www.garyhooser.comP.S. Please listen to this strong new release The War Racket by our friend and Kauai resident Buffy Saint-Marie, and SHARE with your friends and networks:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzG_4e8yGewNote1: We are now in the first stage of our candidate review and endorsement process. Any candidate on any island running for the State Senate, State House or for county/city council election who is interested in receiving an endorsement and consequently the support that might accompany that endorsement is urged to request a “candidate questionnaire” asap by emailing info@ponohawaiiinitiative.org The PHI Board is presently reviewing the candidate responses, and will be scheduling interviews then announcing endorsements in the very near future.Note2: Contributions to PHI are not tax deductible.Note3: PHI will be acting as a “non-coordinating committee” and will be supporting candidates, and working with other similar entities, but will not be coordinating that support with those candidates.Note4: Approximately 20 of these new candidates have gone through HAPA’s Kuleana Academy political leadership and campaign training program. Though they share a basic core progressive value structure, neither the Kuleana Academy nor HAPA is part of the Pono Hawaii Initiative. http://www.hapahi.org/kuleana-academyThe Kuleana Academy is a nonpartisan training and education program and does not actually support specific candidates, nor does it target specific races or incumbents. FWIW - The vast majority of the Kuleana Academy graduates (and now candidates), were unknown to me prior to their participation in the program. HAPA is a 501c3 non profit that operates the Kuleana Academy and is supported through private donations that are tax deductible. http://www.hapahi.org/donate/Imua!